AERNA 2024 is finally here. Take advantage of forward-thinking keynote speakers, networking with influential attendees, and much more.

Important dates
April 5th, 2024
Deadline for paper submission
May 15th, 2024
Communication of the acceptance decision
June 7th, 2024
Deadline for presenters and early registration
July 1st, 2024
Deadline for sending full papers (only for accepted long abstracts)
All you need to know
Call for papers | AERNA Best Paper Award | Preliminary Program | Keynote Speakers | Committees | Registration | Venue | Accommodation and Travel
Call for papers
Submit your paper on all relevant topics in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics and check the AERNA Best Presentation and AERNA Best Published Paper Awards
Call for papers
The Spanish-Portuguese Association of Natural and Environmental Resources Economics (AERNA) is pleased to announce its XI Conference. The Conference will be held at Nova School of Business and Economics, UNL, Carcavelos, from the 4th to the 6th, September 2024.
Submissions on all relevant topics of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics are invited. Theoretical and empirical papers, as well as long abstracts (max. 1000 words), at a reasonably advanced stage but still unpublished, are welcome. Presenters of accepted long abstracts should send the complete paper version to aerna.conference2024@gmail.com by July 1st, 2024.

This Conference also hosts the MED-AERNA Roundtable on “Climate Change and the WEF (Water-Energy-Food) Nexus: Challenges for the Long-term Stability of the Med Area”, to be held on the last day. In this context, we also invite papers’ submission focusing on the selected topic for presentation at the Workshop.
The papers should be in English. Young researchers and PhD students who wish to attend are most welcome. All submissions will undergo the regular peer review process. Notifications of acceptance are expected by May 15th, 2024.
AERNA Best Presentation Award for Young Researchers

This Award aims to reward new ideas addressing key environmental and resource economic issues at the national, European, and global scale. Both theoretical and empirical papers will be considered without any restriction on topics. Eligible candidates are PhD Students or PhD holders that have defended their PhD Thesis in the last two years. There is a monetary reward of €500 for the presenter of the winning paper. The Selection Committee is composed by someone appointed by AERNA Council, acting as a chair, and two others appointed by the Chairs of the Program Committee.
All eligible presenters can submit their application to the Award at the paper submission process. Check here for additional information on past awardees.
AERNA Best Published Paper Award
Submission deadline: June 30th, 2024

AERNA issues a prize of 1000€ for the best paper published in a scientific journal. This Award recognizes exemplary original research published by AERNA members in the field of Environmental and Resource Economics.
If you have published a paper in 2022-2023 and the following conditions are satisfied:
at least the 50% of the authors have been members of AERNA during that period
the paper belongs to a journal issue published in 2022 or 2023.
We encourage you to fill in this survey and submit (nominate) your paper before June 30th.
The winner will be announced during the 2024 AERNA Conference.
Selection Committee: Maria Pilar Martínez (chair, U Murcia), Esther Blanco (U Innsbruck), Pedro Pintassilgo (U. Algarve)
Full Program
The Conference will be held at the Nova School of Business and Economics, Carcavelos Campus, from the 4th (Wednesday) to the 6th (Friday), September 2024.
The social program will include the Welcoming reception for all scientific participants and registered accompanying persons on September 4th, and a Conference Dinner on September 5th.
The scientific activities will take place on September 5th and 6th. In the afternoon of the last day of the Conference the MED-AERNA Roundtable on “Climate Change and the WEF (Water-Energy-Food) Nexus: Challenges for the Long-term Stability of the Med Area” will be held.
The Full Program of the Conference is now available.
Explore the Full Program here.
Keynote Speakers
XI Conference of the Spanish-Portuguese Association of Natural and Environmental Resources Economics
Local Organizing Committee
Maria A. Cunha-e-Sá (Nova SBE)
Renato Rosa (FEUC, University of Coimbra)
Sofia F. Franco (University of California, Irvine)
Alexandra Leitão (Catolica-Porto)
Catarina Roseta Palma (ISCTE)
Pedro Pintassilgo (University of Algarve)
Ligia Pinto (University of Minho)
João Lameiras Vaz (Nova SBE)
Scientific Committee
Maria A. Cunha-e-Sá (Nova SBE)
Renato Rosa (FEUC, University of Coimbra)
José Albiac (University of Zaragoza)
Stefan Ambec (Toulouse School of Economics)
Carmen Arguedas (University Autónoma, Madrid)
Francisco J. André (University Complutense, Madrid)
Esther Blanco (University of Innsbruck)
Francisco Cabo (University of Valladolid)
Julia de Frutos Cachorro (University of Barcelona)
Alejandro Caparrós (Durham University)
Encarna Esteban (University of Zaragoza)
Natalia Fabra (University Carlos III, Madrid)
Susana Ferreira (University of Georgia)
Michael Finus (University of Graz)
Sofia F. Franco (University of California, Irvine)
Renan Goetz (Universitat de Girona)
Guiomar Martin Herran (University of Valladolid)
Immaculada Martinez-Zarzoso (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and University Jaume I, Madrid)
Alexandra Leitão (Catolica-Porto)
Marion Leroutier (Institute for Fiscal Studies)
Maria Loureiro (University of Santiago de Compostela)
Stale Navrud (Norwegian University of Life Sciences)
Maria Pilar Martinez (University of Murcia)
Pedro Pintassilgo (University of Algarve)
Ligia Pinto (University of Minho)
Paola Ovando Pol (Institute of Public Goods and Policies)
Martin Quaas (iDiv, Leipzig University)
Sonia Quiroga (University Complutense, Madrid)
Catarina Roseta-Palma (ISCTE)
Santiago Rubio (University of Valencia)
Sandra Rousseau (KU Leuven)
Marta Talevi (University College of Dublin)
Ana Varela Varela (London School of Economics)
João Lameiras Vaz (Nova SBE)
Montserrat Viladrich-Grau (University of Lleida)
Angels Xabadia (University of Girona)
Register and join us for a unique and inspiring experience.
Please check the registration fees and access the registration form below (Registration will open May 15th).
Remember that AERNA non-members should choose one of the two categories identified with (*), that includes AERNA membership to participate in the Conference (choose the one with a reduced fee if you are a PhD Student).
Presenting authors of accepted papers must fill the registration form and pay the registration fee before June 7th, 2024 in order to be included in the final program.

The fee includes
Attendance to all scientific sessions
Attendance to MED-AERNA Roundtable
2 Lunches
1 Cocktail reception
1 Conference dinner
4 Coffee Breaks
Cancellation policy: No refunds of the AERNA membership or registration fee will be returned. In case of cancellation, the registration fee can be transferred to another author of the same paper, if requested before August 19th, 2024. Cancellations must be requested to aerna.conference2024@gmail.com with the text “Registration Fee - Other author” in the subject line.
The Nova School of Business and Economics (Nova SBE) Campus was inaugurated in September 2018. The Carcavelos Campus is located 15/20 minutes from Lisbon in the municipality of Cascais, halfway between Lisbon and Cascais and was built with the purpose of housing a growing community of changemakers. There are plenty of open spaces and quiet corners, guaranteeing the possibility of work and study, as well as promoting awareness and inclusion in everything that is happening. Moreover, a tunnel connects the campus directly to the beach of Carcavelos.
Beautiful coastline
Great facilities
Immersive experience
Campus with all the facilities to host the conference

Safe region
Wide range of activities
Month: September
Sunny Hours: 12,4
Lowest Temperature: 16 Cº
Highest Temperature: 25 Cº
Average Temperature: 22 Cº
Days without Rain: 26
Nova SBE Campus Tour

Contact Us

Nova School of Business and Economics
R. da Holanda 1, 2775-405 Carcavelos, Portugal
Opening Hours
The school is open 24/7
Christmas, New Year's Day, and May 1: Closed
For any further information, please contact aerna.conference2024@gmail.com
Organized by